Each memory channel can store a frequency, mode (including passband width) and tuning step, etc. The IC-R85 memory channels providing versatile operating possibilities.A digital AFC function tunes the receiver to the center of FM or WFM signals. In addition, a noise blanker, RF attenuator and selectable AGC functions, clarify desired signals when experiencing various forms of interference. The APF is especially useful when receiving CW, but is also useful in other modes as a tone control. APF is used to reduce interference from signals superimposed over a desired signal by adjusting the center frequency of the audio filter. It does so by adjusting the center frequency of the IF filter. IF shift is used to reduce interference from nearby signals. IF shift and APF (audio peak filter) functions are built-in-a first for a receiver in this class.The crystal is the reference for the PLL and DDS circuits to achieve these specifications. The IC-R8500 has superb high receive sensitivity over its entire range, and the built-in, high quality crystal (TCXO) provides good frequency stability of less than ± 100 Hz below 30 MHz less than ± 3 ppm above 30 MHz.When the IC-R8500 connected to a PC equipped with a dedicated software, it allows you to watch amateur SSTV or receive RTTY on your screen.Icom's CI-V data communications format allows you to control and monitor many receiver functions from your PC, as well as to read data or levels in the receiver such as AF gain, squelch level, received signal strength together with received frequency, channel names and many others. An RS-232C serial port is located on the rear panel of the receiver for direct connection to PC.Several speciality modes such as CW narrow, AM wide, AM narrow and FM narrow are available to receive a variety of signals that require a matched passband width. SSB (USB, LSB), CW, AM, FM and WFM are included. The IC-R85000's all mode capability allows you to receive signals in many different modes.You can be sure that if there are any communications or broadcasts out there, you'll be able to hear them with minimum interference from other signals. The IC-R8500 covers a wide frequency range from 0.1 to 2000MHz, with 10Hz resolution, while maintaining high receive sensitivity.Further details of Icom IC-R8500 Base Station Communications Receiver